发布于 2014-09-13 23:49:28 | 140 次阅读 | 评论: 0 | 来源: 网友投递
JPPF Java并行网格计算框架
JPPF,全称Java Parallel Processing Framework,即java并行处理框架,是一个开放源码的网格计算框架,它可以在一个分布执行环境中 同时运行多个java应用。
JPPF 4.2.2 发布,此版本是个维护版本,包括了一些很重要的 bug 修复:
JPPF-312 NPE in ClientClassNioServer.getProviderConnections()
JPPF-313 Wrong stylesheet used to generate Javadoc in the samples
JPPF-319 Master node is reporting an incorrect number of slaves
JPPF-320 Node reports unreachable JMX host in some configurations
JPPF-325 Dynamic classloading problem with Scala REPL
issues URL:http://www.jppf.org/tracker/tbg/jppf/issues/JPPF-<issue_number>
JPPF 5.0 alpha 发布,此版本是不稳定版本,谨慎使用,更新内容如下:
JPPF-306 Revisit the samples to apply the job streaming pattern where applicable
JPPF-307 Server scalability: improve the thread pool handling for NIO operations
JPPF-317 Add awaitXXX methods to the client side connection and JMX pools
JPPF-322 Properties substitutions: implement missing uses cases, improve resources usage
JPPF-6 Improvements for nodes in idle mode
JPPF-261 Refactor the jar packaging in the JPPF distribution
JPPF-262 Integrate the functionality of JPPFResultCollector into JPPFJob
JPPF-294 Ability for individual connection pools to specify whether they use SSL
JPPF-295 Execution policies should have access to job and grid information
JPPF-303 Let node shutdown and reprovisioning respect executing nodes
JPPF-314 Admin console charts: add new chart types and fields
JPPF-318 Provide a helper class for building job streams
JPPF-323 Integrate Idle Host mode as part of the main code
JPPF-293 Configuration properties resolution as part of TypedProperties
issue URL:http://www.jppf.org/tracker/tbg/jppf/issues/JPPF-<issue_number>
JPPF 相关链接
主页: http://www.jppf.org
下载: http://www.jppf.org/downloads.php
文档: http://www.jppf.org/doc/v4
User forums: http://www.jppf.org/forums
Issue tracker: http://www.jppf.org/tracker/tbg/jppf
SF.net project page: http://sourceforge.net/projects/jppf-project/
JPPF是一个开放源码的网格计算框架,它可以在一个分布执行环境中 同时运行多个java应用。JPPF框架使用一个兼容JCA 1.5规范的资源适配器与J2EE应用服务器进行集成,这个适配器为服务器提供了到原始网格服务的访问。
提供一个基 于JMX的管理控制台,它既可以监视节点也可以管理执行的任务。你可以远程取消和重启任务,或配置令其超时的截止日期或时间间隔。
JPPF框架使用一个兼容JCA 1.5规范的资源适配器与J2EE应用服务器进行集成,这个适配器为服务器提供了到原始网格服务的访问。适配器通过实现异步任务提交从而避免了JTA事务超时的风险。