发布于 2014-09-01 00:19:30 | 148 次阅读 | 评论: 0 | 来源: 网友投递
Countly 移动应用统计系统
Countly 14.08 发布,更新内容如下:
Added density metric.
Added a new tour for firstcoming users.
Many visual improvements and cross-browser compatibility fixes.
Fix for “undefined” showing up in the dashboard on the TIME SPENT widget (Github link)
Added proxy support for x-forwarded-for header (Github link)
Added iPad Air and iPad mini 2G models (Github link)
Dashboard getFormattedNumber method also formats number strings (Github link)
Respond with 400 if events or metrics JSON data is not properly formatted (Github link)
Countly 是一个实时的、开源的移动分析应用,通过收集来自手机的数据,并将这些数据通过可视化效果展示出来以分析移动应用的使用和最终用户的行为。一旦你打开该程序的面板,你会发现数据的监控是那么的简单。
Countly 提供了 Android 和 iOS 两种版本的开发包以及基于 Node.js 开发的服务器模块。