发布于 2014-07-19 23:46:51 | 203 次阅读 | 评论: 0 | 来源: 网友投递
DataNucleus Java数据持久化框架
Data Nucleus Access Platform是一个兼容各种标准的Java数据持久化框架,完全兼容JDO1,JDO2,JDO2.1,JDO2.2,JDO2.3,和JPA1等Java标准。尤其要特别说明的是Data Nucleus Access Platform提供一个基于REST的API,通过它可以访问所有常见的数据库服务器,
DataNucleus AccessPlatform 4.0.1 发布,现已提供下载。
[NUCCORE-1233] -Support JDOQL compilation of "IF (expr) expr ELSE IF (expr) expr ELSE expr"
[NUCCASSANDRA-56] -Adding support for uuid datastoreType of Cassandra
[NUCHBASE-96] -Support cascade-persist/cascade-update on 1-1/1-N fields
[NUCEXCEL-78] -Support cascade-persist/cascade-update on 1-1/1-N fields
[NUCODF-59] - Support cascade-persist/cascade-update on 1-1/1-N fields
[NUCJSON-53] -Support cascade-persist/cascade-update on 1-1/1-N fields
[NUCMONGODB-148] -Support cascade-persist/cascade-update on 1-1/1-N fields
[NUCRDBMS-807] -Support mapping java.util.UUID to PostgreSQL native "uuid" column type
[NUCRDBMS-810] -Support for TIME and DATE JDBC data types for MS SQL Server 2008 and newer
[NUCNEOFORJ-51] -Support cascade-persist/cascade-update on 1-1/1-N fields
[NUCODF-59] - Support cascade-persist/cascade-update on 1-1/1-N fields
[NUCJAVAEIGHT-14] - Provide Java8 variants of Collection/Map wrappers so that any new methods can be supported.
[NUCCORE-1237] -CompleteClassTable should check for columns with same name in the table and throw an exception
[NUCCORE-1230] -Upgrade ASM to 5.0.3
[NUCCORE-1231] -Add basic support for temporal literals as Strings
[NUCCORE-1236] -Support update of L2 cache when refresh() is called
[NUCRDBMS-805] -Add simple handling of temporal literal as String
[NUCRDBMS-806] -Mappings for Oracle should be merged into org.datanucleus.store.rdbms.mapping.[java|datastore]
Bug 修复
[NUCCORE-1235] -RDBMSStoreManager.addSchemaCallback does not populate the schemaCallbacks correctly
[NUCCORE-1239] -1-1 Birdirecional relation management fails when using optimistic tx
[NUCAPIJDO-78] -Creation of implementation of persistent abstract class / interface creates metadata with full name (including package)
[NUCJPA-274] -NamedStoredProcedureQueries doesn't set procedure name on processed stored procs metadata
[NUCCASSANDRA-55] -Could not serialize byte[] @Serialized member on Cassandra store
[NUCEXCEL-79] -SchemaTool doesn't make full use of generalised Table; should create CompleteClassTable when not present
[NUCMONGODB-149] -SchemaTool doesn't make full use of generalised Table; should create CompleteClassTable when not present
[NUCRDBMS-808] -Datanucleus can't find sequence in PostrgreSQL when persistence property 'datanucleus.identifier.case' is set
[NUCRDBMS-809] -Inconsistent behavior in enum value conversion to/from numeric value in RDBMS using 'enum-value-getter' extension
[NUCRDBMS-811] -Enum extension "enum-check-constraint" is incorrectly handled if also using extension "enum-value-getter"
[NUCRDBMS-812] -When executing StoredProcedure with multiple result sets, the close of the first results will close the statement!
[NUCRDBMS-813] -1-N FK bidir relationship management failing when using optimistic tx
DataNucleus Access Platform 是一个兼容各种标准的 Java 数据持久化框架,兼容 JDO1, JDO2, JDO2.1, JDO2.2, JDO2.3, JPA1, JPA2 等 Java 标准。提供一个基于 REST 的API。通过它可以访问所有常见的数据库服务器,还包括 LDAP, NeoDatis, JSON, Excel/ODF spreadsheets, XML, BigTable, 和 HADOOP 数据库等.