发布于 2014-07-09 08:19:25 | 323 次阅读 | 评论: 0 | 来源: 网友投递
JRebel JavaEE开发工具
JRebel是一套JavaEE开发工具。JRebel允许开发团队在有限的时间内完成更多的任务修正更多的问题,发布更高质量的软件产品。 JRebel是收费软件,用户可以在JRebel官方站点下载30天的评估版本。
Added support for Java 8 (lambdas, default methods, static interface methods etc.)
Added support for EJBs on Wildfly
Added support for Weld 2
Added support for JSF 2.2 Faces Flows
Added support for JSF 2.2 Resource Library Contracts
Added support for Spring Security 3.2
Added support for HK2
Added support for Magnolia 5.1
Added initial support for JBoss EAP 6.3.0-beta1
Updated Hibernate support to version 4.3.5
Updated Jackson support to version 1.8.10
Various stability improvements for JBoss 6 EAP/JBoss 7/Wildfly EJB integration
Fixed an issue where deploying multiple war applications in a single ear would not deploy on JBoss 7
Fixed an issue where Axis2 Webservice endpoints were not reloaded on WAS
Fixed an issue where META-INF/resources in rebel.xml did not work properly
Fixed an issue where using Guice ServletModule for initialization threw a com.google.inject.ConfigurationException
Fixed an issue on Alfresco where changing alfresco-global.properties caused org.springframework.beans.factory.BeanCreationException to occur during reload
Fixed an issue where java.lang.NullPointerException at java.util.prefs.FileSystemPreferences$1.run() could occur in rare cases during starup
Fixed an issue with Grails 2.2.3 where the application would hang after a grails controller reload
Fixed an issue where reloading EJBs on WAS would cause the application to crash in rare cases
Fixed an issue where a com.ibm.ws.asynchbeans.exception.AsynchBeanException:ASYN0064E would be thrown for WAS
Fixed an issue where Struts session scoped objects were not reloaded on configuration change
Fixed an issue where Spring property-placeholder properties were not reload correctly
Fixed an issue where a CannotCompileException was thrown for log4j-over-slf4j-1.7.6.jar
Fixed an issue where JSF @PostConstruct was called on already created instance when reloading class
Fixed an issue where JRebel did not clean up its temporary directories properly after shutdown
Fixed an issue where Akka 2.3.2 breaks CDI in GlassFish
JRebel是一套JavaEE开发工具。JRebel允许开发团队在有限的时间内完成更多的任务修正更多的问题,发布更高质量的软件产品。 JRebel是收费软件,用户可以在JRebel官方站点下载30天的评估版本。