发布于 2014-07-07 23:18:11 | 149 次阅读 | 评论: 0 | 来源: 网友投递
Apache Syncope 数字身份管理
Apache Syncope 是用在企业环境的数字身份管理,在JEE技术的实施和Apache 2.0许可下发布的开源系统。
Apache Syncope 1.1.8 发布,此版本现已提供下载,包括了一个安全修复( CVE-2014-3503),强烈建议 1.x 用户升级!
[SYNCOPE-499] - Deletion of role set as parent role in template generates exception
[SYNCOPE-500] - Wrong (unwanted) derived attribute insertion addition in membership modal page
[SYNCOPE-501] - Virtual attribute propagation not working when updating only virtual attributes
[SYNCOPE-504] - Sync/Push actions shouldn't be executed in dryrun
[SYNCOPE-509] - In Task page after change of number of rows (to display) is erroneously added a column to tasks table
[SYNCOPE-512] - If there are no roles in edit user modal page is possible to create membership between root (fake) role and user
[SYNCOPE-515] - Bad integration test causes role ownership conflicts
[SYNCOPE-485] - Upgrade to Activiti 5.15.1
[SYNCOPE-486] - Update Selenium test configuration
[SYNCOPE-507] - User login date conditional logging
[SYNCOPE-511] - Enhance synchronization report information
[SYNCOPE-519] - Report default values for connector properties
[SYNCOPE-520] - Move reset sync token to resource actions
Apache Syncope 是用在企业环境的数字身份管理,在JEE技术的实施和Apache 2.0许可下发布的开源系统。