发布于 2014-06-26 02:59:46 | 1012 次阅读 | 评论: 0 | 来源: 网友投递


Tomcat 开源Web应用服务器

Tomcat 服务器是一个免费的开放源代码的Web 应用服务器,属于轻量级应用服务器,在中小型系统和并发访问用户不是很多的场合下被普遍使用,是开发和调试JSP 程序的首选。

Apache Tomcat发布8.0.9版本,同时这个版本也是8.0的第一个stable版本。Tomcat 8需要至少JDK7以上。


The Apache Tomcat Project is proud to announce the release of version 8.0.9 of Apache Tomcat. This is the first stable release of the 8.0.x series. Tomcat 8 is aligned with Java EE 7. In addition to supporting updated versions of the Java EE specifications, Tomcat 8 includes a number of improvements compared to Tomcat 7. The notable changes include:

  • Support for Java Servlet 3.1, JavaServer Pages 2.3, Java Unified      Expression Language 3.0 and Java WebSocket 1.0.

  • The default connector implementation is now the Java non-blocking      implementation (NIO) for both HTTP and AJP.

  • A new resources implementation that replaces Aliases, VirtualLoader,      VirtualDirContext, JAR resources and external repositories with a single,      consistent approach for configuring additional web application resources.      The new resources implementation can also be used to implement overlays      (using a master WAR as the basis for multiple web applications that each      have their own customizations).

Apache Tomcat 8.0.9 includes numerous fixes for issues identified in 8.0.8 (beta) as well as a number of other enhancements and changes. The notable changes since 8.0.8 include:

  • Start to move towards RFC6265 for cookie handling

  • Better error handling when the error occurs after the response has been      committed

  • Various Jasper improvements to make it easier for other containers (e.g.      Jetty) to consume




历史版本 :
Apache Tomcat 7.0.84 和 8.0.49 发布,新增系统属性
Apache Tomcat 8.5.27 和 9.0.4 发布,支持 GZIP 压缩
Apache Tomcat 8.0.48 发布,完全支持 Java 9
Apache Tomcat 8.5.24 和 9.0.2 发布,完全支持 Java9
Apache Tomcat 9.0.1 (beta) 和 8.5.23 发布
Apache Tomcat 9.0.0.M26 和 8.5.20 发布
Apache Tomcat 8.5.19 发布,Web 应用服务器
Apache Tomcat 8.0.45 和 7.0.79 发布
Apache Tomcat 8.5.16 发布
Apache Tomcat 9.0.0.M22 发布
Apache Tomcat 8.0.44 和 7.0.78 发布
Apache Tomcat 8.5.14 和 9.0.0.M20 发布,Java 应用服务器 
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