发布于 2014-06-24 22:59:26 | 157 次阅读 | 评论: 0 | 来源: 网友投递


JRuby Java实现的Ruby解释器

JRuby,是一个采用纯Java实现的Ruby解释器,是面向Ruby、基于Java虚拟机(JVM)的一种解释程序,它结合了Ruby语言的简易性和功能强大的JVM的执行机制,包括与Java库 全面集成。Rails彻底加快及简化了Web应用的开发,不过它让人觉得不够成熟,特别是在高端企业级功能方面。另一方面,Java平台及其虚拟机、库和 应用服务器的速度、稳定性和功能方面却一直在提升,现在已被公认为是开发高端服务器。

JRuby 1.7.13 发布,这是 1.7 的第 13 次更新,1.7 版本主要目的是找出任意与 Ruby 1.9.3 不兼容的问题。

JRuby,一个采用纯Java实现的Ruby解释器,由JRuby团队开发。它是一个自由软件,在CPL/GPL/LGPL三种许可协议下发布。主要开发者有Charles Nutter、Thomas Enebo、Ola Bini、Nick Sieger等。

Changes of note:

  • 58 issues fixed for 1.7.13

  • jruby-openssl 0.9.5 bundled

  • Ability to upgrade jruby-openssl as a gem

  • New custom profiler API

  • Several BigDecimal fixes

Issues resolved for 1.7.13

  • #1757 - new krypt gem release

  • #1749 - ??? jruby-opensll snapshot build not working properly on 1.7 branch

  • #1748 - openssl load 1.8 (and possibly 1.9 compatibility) fix

  • #1747 - Openssl is broken in 1.8 mode due to IO::WaitReadable

  • #1743 - Ruby 1.9+ will use nil not false for type argument of set_trace_func

  • #1731 - [GH-1726] - File.read should raise an Errno::ENOENT when the file is an empty String

  • #1726 - JRuby 1.7.12: File.read("") throws Java ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException

  • #1725 - Make behavior of Array#eql? more closely match MRI

  • #1722 - Strange FloatDomainError

  • #1714 - String#rindex should handle matchdata strings

  • #1711 - quote variables so works with directories with spaces

  • #1708 - add spec for array coercion

  • #1707 - * Treat SSL NOT_HANDSHAKING as FINISHED.

  • #1705 - jruby-openssl gem version inconsitency

  • #1703 - Fix for issue #1695

  • #1699 - StringIO.set_encoding may change shared ByteList encoding

  • #1698 - jruby-lib build fails in windows

  • #1697 - Do not rescue java.lang.Error using StandardError

  • #1696 - Rescue StandardError rescues Java errors

  • #1688 - String rindex does not work properly with matchdata

  • #1684 - Fix for issue #1517

  • #1679 - Regression in compiling with default 1.8 mode

  • #1677 - Use pwd -P to work on systemlinked locations.

  • #1673 - ArrayJavaProxy#to_a now returns nested arrays where applicable

  • #1670 - (more) OpenSSL cleanup

  • #1667 - Kernel#fail should handle java exceptions

  • #1666 - Fix #1664 for Hash#compare_by_identity and Hash#store

  • #1664 - when Hash#compare_by_identity is called, it should not copy the keys

  • #1663 - BasicSocket#shutdown should accept strings or symbols

  • #1661 - minor (infrastructure) openssl cleanup

  • #1650 - require 'net/https' fails on 1.7.12 and master if jruby.native.enabled=false

  • #1649 - Triplicate BouncyCastle jars in the build

  • #1648 - GH-1633 - BigDecimal operations should throws TypeError when the first argument is nil

  • #1646 - GH-1551 - Fixing: Fixnum#to_s seems to generate strings immune to #[]=

  • #1645 - Fix jar entry path expansion (https://github.com/jruby/jruby/issues/321 issue)

  • #1641 - fail and raise behave differently

  • #1638 - "Regexp Interrrupted" Typo

  • #1636 - Static JavaProxy#getJavaClass needs to clear $!

  • #1633 - Erroneous BigDecimal operations

  • #1631 - BigDecimal#{round,truncate,floor,ceil} with no args returns to_i

  • #1630 - Add support for symbol rounding mode arguments

  • #1622 - Refactor channeldescriptor to use FileResource

  • #1616 - Actually use Java7ClassValue when using Java 7+.

  • #1602 - api for custom profiler

  • #1596 - Uninitialized constant OpenSSL::SSL::SSLContext::METHODS in 1.7.x

  • #1590 - Hash#hash fails when keys & values are the same

  • #1579 - BasicSocket.shutdown() is not compliant for >= 1.9.x

  • #1578 - Result of operation between BigDecimal and Rational differs.

  • #1566 - loading (default) gems varies between jruby 1.7.x versions

  • #1551 - Fixnum#to_s seems to generate strings immune to #[]=

  • #1543 - openssl 'BC' (security provider) leak

  • #1542 - fix initialize visibility

  • #1538 - ArgumentError: comparison of Class with Class failed

  • #1517 - Time#to_s with different UTC offset gives local hour with given offset

  • #1299 - Enumerator.peek throws NullPointerException after the last item (1.7.8)

  • #389 - OpenSSL::ASN1.decode results vary from MRI (and fail)

  • #357 - OpenSSL::PKey::RSA.new returns the wrong value

  • #210 - File.readlink cannot read dangling symlinks

历史版本 :
JRuby 发布,Java 的 Ruby 解释器
JRuby 发布,Java 的 Ruby 解释器
JRuby 发布,Java 的 Ruby 解释器
JRuby 发布,Java 的 Ruby 解释器
JRuby 发布,Java 的 Ruby 解释器
JRuby 发布,Java 的 Ruby 解释器
JRuby 1.7.26 发布,Java 的 Ruby 解释器
JRuby 发布,Java 的 Ruby 解释器
JRuby 1.7.25 发布,Java 的 Ruby 解释器
JRuby 发布,修复 53 个 issues
JRuby 1.7.24 发布,Java 的 Ruby 解释器
JRuby 1.7.23 发布,Java 的 Ruby 解释器
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